Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Top Ten Most Popular Movie Franchises

Day four of our top ten lists and today I have a little bit of a twist. The title says the top ten most popular movie franchises, but these are in my opinion. Of course, there is an official top ten list based on the money that the films in the franchise have made. However, I am a biased person and I am going to present this list as I see it from the age bracket that I represent, being 20-25. I think that for my generation we truly grew up with most of the biggest franchises and so we have very different opinions that other age brackets about what is actually most popular.

1. Harry Potter
Of course, this is probably going to top anyone's chart if you asked them what the most popular movie franchise is. However, these films have a particularly special meaning to me, and I know that they hold the same value to many people my age. We all sat around like little Harry Potter nerds reading these books, dressing up for the book releases, pouring over the pages and practicing our spells. We also all waited in line for every midnight show and cried through the entirety of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II. So, I love this movie franchise and I am happy to see it's success be so large. The actors and everyone involved in these films will continue to make money off of them for many years to come.

2. The Hunger Games
I know that some of you will argue that this is unfair, especially in the number two slot...but first let me explain why I placed it here. I think that this series will not only continue to do well, but s already become a global phenomenon. There is something about the storyline that is so raw and gruesome and at the same time completely relate-able. I have a feeling that this franchise will be much like Potter's, only getting bigger with time. Now, it is true only time will tell, but let's discuss that in a few years.  

3. Twilight
I have mixed feelings about this franchise. I personally think the first two films are a sham, but Eclipse and Breaking Dawn Part I have actually been pretty decent. I think overall, it is a hugely popular series and that people have either become crazy obsessed fans or sat back and enjoyed the films as they have graced the screen.

4. Pirates of the Caribbean 
Who doesn't love Johnny Depp? And if you don't, you for sure love Orlando Bloom? I personally love, love, love this franchise. I have seen all of the films so many times and I still watch them if they are on television. I think there is something rarely seen in huge franchises that is seen with this one in particular. The movies get progressively worse. I actually think that The Curse of the Black Pearl was the best movie by far! I don't think they should make any more though and I hear that they are in the works for a fifth film. We will have to see about that one.

5. Toy Story
People my age grew up with Woody and Buzz. I remember always talking with my brother and sister about when the second film was going to come out. The thing is, it's just as good as the first one. And magically, because Pixar is so incredibly is the third installment. There is nothing better to do than watch a Toy Story film. 

6. James Bond 
 Who doesn't love a good Bond flick? I have seen a lot of the older ones, but I have to say that I think Daniel Craig is doing a pretty good job of holding his own. I think what is so appealing about these films is that they are timeless. The ideas behind them are the same every time with just a little bit of a twist that brings us all back to the theaters.

7. Shrek
I know these movies are meant for the age range of 7-10, but I personally think they are hilarious. What is more fun than impersonating Donkey?? These movies are great, but by far the first two are the best. What is truly awesome about them is how quotable they are. Make sure that you watch at least every other one with an actual kid though so people don't think you are too weird.

8. Lord of the Rings
I wanted absolutely nothing to do with these films at first, but I have to come to hold them near and dear to my heart. They are epic and cut-throat and frankly long. Smeagel is definitely my favorite character, or is it Ghandalf? These films are all great and I am very excited for December when the long-awaited Hobbit will finally hit theaters.

9. Meet the Parents
These films are nothing short of hilarious. They really seem to hit home with every age range as well. You are either in that stage of life, just past the stage or looking back on them with fond memories. Well hopefully they are fond memories. We all know that it can be nerve wracking to meet the parents and Ben Stiller is just the guy to act out the fictional world of our nightmares. I think these films aren't always seen as a franchise, but they are, and they have made a lot of money to boot.

10. Spiderman
These films started out great, but in my opinion have taken a downward spiral. Hopefully this summer's upcoming installment:  The Amazing Spider-man will bring back some of the franchise's previous glory. Still it makes the list because we all know that we love the first and second installments and still watch them over and over.

Alright, that's it. Tomorrow's list is top ten list of animated films to watch when you are no longer a kid.

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