Monday, April 30, 2012

The Five Year Engagement

Last night I saw The Five Year Engagement. Overall, I would give it a rating of three out of five stars. The greatest thing about the film was the warm and fuzzy chemistry between Emily Blunt and Jason Segel. They were adorable and the whole movie was very realistic. The whole film was also very hysterical. My sister and I were literally laughing out loud many times during the movie.

The premise is simple, but the richness of the emotions is what makes this movie great. I wouldn't go as far as to call the movie a chick-flick though because I feel like the very real element of reality makes it not quite fit under this category. And let's put it this way, the guys in the theater were laughing even harder than the girls and they seemed to be enjoying it more than other romantic comedies.

I will say that it was different then I expected, but I liked the unexpected turns. Most of the casting was dead on, but there was one person that I really felt could have been cast better. Emily Blunt's character moves with her fiance (Segel) to Michigan so that she can be a partner in a psychology apprenticeship. Her boss, a professor, was very poorly cast. I realize that Segel is a goofy cute, so in order to balance that they couldn't cast someone who is particularly striking. But, I think they went too far in the other direction. He was not attractive at all, and the only thing he had going for him was his weird British accent.

That all being said, I would definitely recommend that you see this film. You will not regret it. But, if you don't make it while its in theaters, it would make a great redbox movie too.

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