Monday, April 23, 2012


Oh my goodness, I am not up to date with my entertainment news today. My mom just informed me that my favorite beyond favorite reality television couple is pregnant! Congratulations to Giuliana and Bill Rancic, they are expecting a baby. The couple is using a gestational carrier to aid their way to parenthood. The couple came on The Today Show this morning to announce their awesome news. They say they even know the sex of the baby but are keeping that fact a secret.

After watching their show I literally could not be more excited for them. Their zest for life and unfailing faith really is what makes them such a great couple. Watching their show you feel as though you know them in your own personal life. I am always amazed at their unyielding reliance on each other and their positive outlook on life. A huge congratulations again to both of you, that baby is truly very lucky! Cheers! 

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