Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Artists Who Write Their Own Stuff, But Maybe Shouldn't

So today I feel like an arse...I was royally making fun of Ke$ha saying that she sucks and that she doesn't write her own songs when I was informed that this in fact false. I am deeply saddened that I live in world were Ke$ha has not only written her own hits but some of Britney Spears and Flo Rida's as well. This is crazy news and I am still flabbergasted. Check out these other artists who you wouldn't think had that much depth to create their own chart toppers. These are the people who I don't really respect in the music industry or I am just plain tired of who write their own lyrics.

  • John Mayer
  • Katy Perry 
  • Taylor Swift
  • Fiona Apple
  • The Jonas Brothers
  • Kelly Clarkson
  • Sheryl Crow
  • Shakira
  • Nelly Furtado
  • Rihanna 

This list also shows some of the top people in the music industry. Maybe we are at fault for listening to the simple lyrics in the first place. What do you think?

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