Monday, October 29, 2012

Watch of the Week

I literally just finished watching Misery. Seriously, what a movie. A great movie to watch if you are stuck inside with Hurricane Sandy. Even if you are in another part of the country, or even a different country, this movie would still be my pick for your watch of the week.

 The movie is based on the Stephen King novel. I have always wished that I could get inside of his head to see exactly what makes him tick. I actually met him once in a movie theater in Maine. I was young, I knew who he was, but did not know enough about his books to realize his true greatness at the time. King has serious depth as a writer and his stories are creepy and nothing short of amazing.

Here is why this is the perfect time to watch Misery. It's almost Halloween, and this film is perfect to scare you just enough. It stars James Caan and Kathy Bates. For her performance in this film, Kathy Bates won Best Actress. Her role in this film gave her the push to become as famous as she is today. I have wanted to see this movie for quite some time because everyone has always told me just that. James Caan is also beyond brilliant in this film. He plays the smart writer and the victim extremely well. The supporting cast is small but is built of acting veterans such as Richard Farsnworth, Frances Sternhagen, Lauren Bacall and J.T. Walsh. Check it out. 

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