Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Your Daily Hunger...For The Games That Is!

Today, I woke up and caught up on all the entertainment news. I had a few posts milling around in my head, but with the release of this movie in a little more than twenty four hours, this one took first place.

As we all know, whether you be superfan or annoyed citizen, The Hunger Games first movie is being released at midnight tomorrow night. As we also all know, the books were first. The books took over the New York Times Bestseller List but the townies in every town in America have not given the book the same great reviews. Trust me, every single person that I know who has read the books agrees that they are all magical writing, and they felt as though nothing could stop them from turning and reading the next page. The issue comes into play when the books were labeled juvenile or teen fiction. The plot, as we are all aware, features a futuristic society that forces children to compete against one another yearly in a viscous blood-bath of sorts with new characteristics thrown into the "game" each year. I thought the books were fabulous, and yes I know that is needless to say!

The thing about this first movie is the hype that is surrounding it is already so large. The movie has not even been released yet and there is talk that it could beat out the first Twilight movie in sales. All midnight showings are practically booked and radio stations around the country are receiving endless calls with crazy hungered fans begging for tickets.

 The producers of the film franchise have already leaked that they plan on making the trilogy of books into four movies, much like the Twilight franchise. This of course is a wise decision for them that is celebrated by most fans. They make more money and we get more screen-time with the characters that we have come to love. Now, I must warn you to not read any further unless you have read Mockingjay. SPOILERS AHEAD!!!

As I mentioned, today I was scanning entertainment news from all of my various sources. What interests me was a new report from discussing how Mockingjay will be made. I do not want to give too much away here, because I know that some people who have not read the whole trilogy will still read the entirety of this post, because curiosity will force them to. If the events that take place in the first book are perceived as intense, that has nothing on the third book. The third installment has more to do with mind games, heavy doses of prescription drugs, a love triangle, and the ever over-bearing presence of The Capitol trying to kill Katniss. Critics and film analysts are now wondering how the producers and screenplay writers will choose to create the third film. Will they satisfy hungry fans by giving them a translation very accurate to the book? Or will they choose to adapt the film in a way that will be more pleasing to audiences who are concerned with the raw grotesqueness of the series?

Of course the question still is open for discussion, I am sure. The first installment has not even hit theaters and yet we are here talking nuts and bolts about the third and fourth films. I think this is of the utmost importance for them to hammer out though. Just thinking about the Potter Franchise and how much backlash the movies got for not including vital ideas and conversations that fans, such as myself, felt were of the most dire importance. Now, I still love the Potter movies and I re-watch them to my heart's content. But, with book to movie translations...isn't there are always some missing information? That is the beauty behind being a reader and being able to construct your own world using your own imagination and the vivid painting of the author's words to construct what you believe happened. When movies are made, that image changes. Let's hope that down the road when the final two installments are made, that we can sit back as happy, satisfied fans as we watch Katniss, Gale and Peeta take on The Capitol for the last time.

And in the meantime, enjoy my countdown. If you are going to the midnight premiere, like me. Then you only have:

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