Sunday, March 4, 2012

There IS Such A Thing As TOO Much Money

Everyone loves money, including me. Everyone wants money and most people think that they more money they have, the better off their life will be. I would say this is most likely true. However, some people, namely celebrities, have a little thing that can be known as too much money.

I never thought I would blog about this couple in a negative way, but here we go. The twosome that this post focuses on is none other than Brad and Angelina. Trust me, I love them, if that is not apparent from past posts, I truly do. I really like them and everything they do for their own children and children charities around the world.

BUT, reports have surfaced today that the two of them plan to build an amusement park for their own children. Really? Because its not special enough to be able to go to Disney or see Shamu whenever you want, now the famous six children need a roller coaster in their backyard?

I think it is downright crazy. What is that teaching their children? I am sure that they are growing up humbly because of who their parents are, but this whole thing just seems over the top to me. Let's build the kids an amusement park because we couldn't go the other day when they wanted to go?!?

The other reason this seems downright crazy is because the famous brood is rarely even ever at home. They spend their time with one of their parents traveling the globe so that Angie or Brad can film something here or be present for an event there. How much use is really going to come out of the billions that they will spend? It's their thing and I guess as a teacher I can't judge how they spend their money, but if you ask me, it's crazy!

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