Monday, February 27, 2012

Magic Has Been Restored-The Academy Awards 2012

Wow! Wow! Wow! What a night! This post is set to be long, so buckle up. I have a lot to say so feel free to skip around to the parts that you like!

Red Carpet:
First up is my list of Best Dressed. I was flipping between ABC coverage and E! coverage. Both were phenomenal. The only thing that I will say is that no one interviewed Meryl. I think her and Angelina sneaked in without being seen for more than a minute or two on the carpet. My overall Best Dressed was Jessica Chastain. At first, I was not a fan, but over time looking at her dress, especially when Ryan Seacrest was interviewing her I fell in love with it. I have a similar complexion to Chastain and I would feel like I was taking a huge risk wearing that dress. If you missed it, it was a beautiful floor-length gown in black with gold accents on top. Her hair was simply, but elegant at the same time. What really made her my Best Dressed pick was the way she owned the dress when she walked, she was lovely.

My other top choices were Glenn Close, loved the blazer! Along with Angelina Jolie, Leslie Mann and of course Meryl Streep. When I saw my first glimpse of Meryl, a little bit of my faith was restored that she might win because she was wearing a gold dress. She wore a gold dress the last time she won an Oscar, 30 years prior to last night!

Worst Dressed is up next. I am not a huge fan of doing this, because everyone for the most part really looked beautiful last night. However, to be a blog that fully encompasses all the feelings of the Oscars, I am going to put down a few names that I thought could have worn something better. Those would be Shailene Woodley for one. She is still such a teenager, and I wish that she stuck with something a little more fun and flirty. I also thought Judy Greer could have gone with something that didn't scream Catwoman. The last name here would be Rooney Mara. I think her stylist could have picked something more regal for her. I know she is younger and wants to stand out for not being your typical Hollywood star, but I didn't feel like her dress represented her role last night, she was nominated for Best Actress after all.

The Show:
First off, Billy Crystal was great! I don't care what anyone thinks, he is hilarious! I think as the night went on he got stronger and stronger, he became more relaxed and his jokes and demeanor really showed that. His best part of the whole night was when he narrated people's thoughts. I loved the Brad Pitt comment about parent teacher conferences and Morgan Freeman's voice-over of March of the Penguins.

There were so many highlights of this years show, but I am going to include my favorites. First, Cirque de Soleil was amazing. I loved how it started out with such as a classic as North by Northwest. The acrobats really brought the stage to life and I thought that without them, I would have felt like the set itself lacked depth and luster. Octavia Spencer's speech for Best Supporting Actress was so adorable. She obviously was overcome with shock and awe and the result was a truly great speech that really showed the emotion that must go through a winner's head. She truly deserved that award and I bet she is feeling really, really great today!

Another great acceptance speech was Christopher Plummer. At the age of 82 he is now the oldest person to win an Oscar. He looked amazing and his speech was so touching, especially what he said about his wife. I always love when men have the strength and confidence to talk about their wife in a way that shows their real emotions.

I was really lucky to participate in a live chat on last night. It was so fun to be able to talk with people who are just as obsessed as I am! One of the things we talked a lot about was who should host next year. After watching both McCarthy's bit with Crystal and Emma Stone interacting with Ben Stiller when presenting, I believe they should co-host next year! There is no way that I am taking credit for this idea, but I really think they would be able to play off of each other really really well. Something to think about Academy!

The Artist winning for Best Picture was in no way a shock to me. What was a shock was that it picked up Best Director. This year was truly a huge year for this category. For the director of The Artist to win when nominated against two of the greatest greats: Scorsese and Allen, was truly amazing! I also was not expecting Hugo to sweep up as many awards as it did. If you all remember, I truly did enjoy and love that film, but I didn't think it would run the awards. If any of you are paying very close attention to my blog, Hugo's sweep is the reason that I didn't score too well overall in my picks for this year's show.

You didn't honestly believe I wouldn't talk about this did you? Let me just say, that you all knew that I believed Viola Davis would walk away with the Oscar. I have been saying that even before official nominations rolled out; I have been saying that since December when I first started this blog. I am sorry to Viola that you did not win, but I have such hope for you that you will once again be nominated in the future.

But Meryl, Magic Meryl as I call her; you were radiant! You looked amazing and I am so incredibly happy that you won! I could not feel more joy about her winning that award last night. It was way past due, with her career that has single handedly helped to shape other careers in Hollywood. This amazing woman who has brought characters to life including: Lindy Chamberlain, Julia Child and now Margaret Thatcher, was finally honored once again!

Even at the end, I still thought Viola would take it and I think so did Meryl. When Colin Firth came on stage to present the award he had a smirk on his face that made me take a second look. I wouldn't admit it out loud but I was praying that she would win. His note when introducing her was adorable: "Mamma Mia...We were in Greece, we danced, I was gay and we were happy. I probably fathered your only daughter, they were perplexing times." Loved it! When he called her name, I screamed and began running around the room. It was nothing like my reaction to her winning the Globe. I ended up on the floor crying and rolling around. I then gave her my own standing ovation and preceded to cry for the rest of her speech.

 Her speech was brilliant, and I loved her joke about America groaning. I don't think anyone truly was groaning though. Even if you favored another actress, you have to admit that the Queen deserved to take that award last night.

All I have done at work all day is talk Oscars! I hope you enjoyed my recap and I welcome all your thoughts and comments! Now, all I have to look forward to is watching all the films I can this year so that I am informed for next year.


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