Friday, January 4, 2013

Top Fictional Best Friends

Best friends are the best. We all have had one in our lifetime, if not more than one. Sometimes it's fun to imagine ourselves with fictional characters as our other best friends. Here are the characters who would be my top five picks.

Sookie from Gilmore Girls
Here's why: She goofy, funny and always has a solution to everything. Sure, Lorelai is the real personality of the friendship and most of the problems the two encounter are Lorelai-centered, but Sookie is always there to support her through breakups, junk food binges, parents and kid problems. 

Steven Hyde from That 70's Show
Here's why: He's original, fun and knows how to get in a good insult: "Burn!" I could imagine getting into a lot of trouble hanging around Hyde, but it could be a lot of fun too. 

Hermione Granger from Harry Potter
Here's why: This girl could literally get you out of anything. She always knows the right spell to get out of any situation and if she was real my guess would be that magic would also be real. 

Woody from Toy Story
Here's why: Although he was really jealous of Buzz in the beginning of their time in Andy's room, he really is the best friend you could ask for. He knows everyone and still goes out of his way to make everyone feel special. 

Sam from Lord of the Rings
Here's why: This guy will travel practically the whole world just to help you accomplish a mission. He doesn't ask questions either. He is loyal to the core. 

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