Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Academy Awards

The nominations for this year's Academy Awards are set to be announced on January 10th, just eight short days from right now. However, I hope they get released on time and I also hope that the awards are not messed up this year. Here's why: a new voting system may be messing everything up.

In past years the voting by the Academy members took place with a paper ballot. But this year a new online voting system has been released. Many of the older members of the Academy are complaining and having trouble casting their votes. Wrong password username combinations and trouble understanding how to complete their voting seem to be big problems. Some reports are saying that this could skew the results of the voting and therefore change the face of who will win the big awards. I truly hope this doesn't happen, but I have my fingers crossed that all this will work out. I understand that new technologies are important and that in most cases it can be easier to use them for the masses. However, if a lot of your population who uses the technologies is unable to do so, there should be a choice of whether to use it or not.

Keep your fingers crossed that the Oscar's won't get ruined! 

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